Every thing in life trying to make everyone's dreams are different, but they all need money, and I would like to for their luck, well, at least a little bit! Always the people have resorted to the help of the mysterious rites, plots, attracting into their life and financial well-being. Today, nothing has changed, people are still interested in mysticism, and attempt in some way to correct its position. Especially popular among the faithful of the population to" enjoy a sort of things, for example, amulets, good luck charms and money.
Such amulets can bring wealth and luck

Every thing in life trying to make everyone's dreams are different, but they all need money, and I would like to for their luck, well, at least a little bit! Always the people have resorted to the help of the mysterious rites, plots, attracting into their life and financial well-being. Today, nothing has changed, people are still interested in mysticism, and attempt in some way to correct its position. Especially popular among the faithful of the population to" enjoy a sort of things, for example, amulets, good luck charms and money.
These things affect not only the needy, you can see the stars of entertainment, current rulers, artists, members of parliament. Humanity in all times have wondered the possibility of getting as much money as possible, and by the way, the amulets, many people help!
Fascinated by the story of different people, it can be noted that amulets of the wealth that is present in all, only one aspect of the product in a different way. Are made from good material: wood, leather, yarn, beads, stones, shells and other things with magical properties.
Considering that at the end of the amulet of the wealth that really "worked", must be created with their own hands a great magician, a sorcerer, a man in possession of some supernatural powers. However, if you do such a thing alone for themselves, with the hands fully believing in his power, and financial well-being, it will be possible to improve in the next few months.
What are the amulets good luck charms and the wealth
To understand what are the amulets good luck charms, you need to have an idea of what it is. Under the concept of the amulet, commonly understood as a person with power of attraction (repulsion). The appearance of the product can as I do not care, the fact can be of any thing, especially, for the man had what-fetish correctly and then, its energy will be programmed to achieve the desired results.
Banknote of any cutting
Many make the amulet to attract money of the normal banknotes, coins. For this on the bill put his signature, resizing his and put them in a secret place portfolio. As it appears only the profit, any bill, Designated to remove and thanking, clean again. Coin drilled, making their hole, and on the chain leading to the neck, put in a bag.
Red fabric or threadPlay the role of an amulet can ordinary strip of red fabric. A small piece of cut and carry in a bag. A small piece of yarn of the color red, after wrapped around the left wrist, are not shot.
All this seems to many a breeze, and cater for the purchase of an amulet to the witches, that when you create a what to talk about, perform on it a certain ritual, to bring money and success. So you can buy the imperial or the horde amulet, even if they may do and ourselves.Imperial amulet
If you dream you have returned all the debts, and in a hurry, financial luck has always been near, the money flowed, and in his career has had the good fortune to earn more money or do imperial amulet good luck charm.
Taking a nice coin, in the nights of the full moon above it are the rite. It begins with the lighting of the church candle, which is on the table, the master of the house of the future amulet, you must take a coin in hand, to carefully consider and imagine how ornate and beautiful it is to live, as it will end the career, will always be lucky. Now they need to "show" the money Moon.
Taking a small piece of red cloth, put a coin and show through the window the Moon, the coin must fall within the celestial sanctus. Recite "we Ask God and the Universe to send the success and wealth". The tissue around the sizing of the coin, do not touch that with your hands, and for the night clean in the head, under the pillow. In the morning the product remove, clean, with a piece of fabric in the wallet, away from prying eyes.
Horde amuletTo pull in the wealth and the money, well-being, it is sufficient to carry always horde amulet. The manufacture of the horde amulet simply, carry it in a purse, pocket, hidden from all. On the road you need to collect one coin in any denomination, she has sent you the destiny. Once the Moon begins to grow, the first Wednesday of this period, you need to light three candles of the church and their installation on the table, forming candles in sort of a triangle, sitting next to a chair, to read the plot:
- Coin a I'll take a hand. Like her, alone, with me now, a servant of God (name), and then with me a wealth you will be invincible. Currency my other call you, the wealth of attract bring. Live now I wealth, yes plenty.
Reading the spell must be in the hands of a turn found a coin, presenting, as to become rich. After reading the words, the coin attached to a thin rope, forming a cross, and recite:
- ADFIGO, the money they attract.
The ends of the rope can not be cut, their annealed on the flame of a candle. The coin-amulet, placed in the center of the triangle of candles, leaving the night to go to sleep. In the morning, so no one has noticed, the coin deep clean in the bag and never to anyone you don't you say, protect from prying eyes.
How to make a amulet lucky charm with your own hands

To make an amulet for the money, the luck, the realization of their own desires, their own hands, you can take to make this journey of water (the river) do you like the pebble. Particularly going to look for something that is useless. The stone is a must see event, came on the river perfectly with the other. Wash the discovery of the same river, and bring it home.
In the nights of the full moon under the light of the candle to draw on the stone currency, the dollar, about this amulet can fulfill your every desire, that is, if you have dreamed of self – draw, and the luck will smile very soon you will ride on his car! After, the amulet is wrapped in a red cloth, hide somewhere far away. If the stone is small enough to carry in your bag, a large object, hidden away in a closet so that nobody found it.
How to attract good luck
The luck of the one who is always with it carries a small red fabric bag in which is stored the leaf, rosemary, bay leaves, cloves, mint, fennel, if the leaves no, put a pinch of allowed spices. For the amulet, he worked in the right direction, done only during a full moon night, by candlelight, reading about him, "our Father..." three times.
The amulet must calm moon energy, then every full moon, his need to once spread on the sill of the window, in the morning again to hide in a secluded place to new of the full moon.